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CMOVALVES communicates to the users of the portal www.cmovalves.com that this company respects the current legislation on the protection of personal data, the privacy of users and the secrecy and security of personal data, adopting technical and Necessary to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of data. In compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data (Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data), we inform you that your personal data are part of a file called “customers and / or suppliers” With registration number 2132191081 provided by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and belonging to Construcciones Metálicas de Obturación S.L., whose address is Amategi aldea, 142 – 20400 Tolosa / Guipuzkoa, being treated by the latter under its responsibility, in order to manage their registration to the requested service and to carry out the administrative steps necessary for its realization. We also inform you that your personal data may be used in order to keep you informed of the events, products and services that may be of interest to you. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by contacting info@cmovalves.com

Manufacturing the valve you need